Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

There is an interesting place in the Bavarian region of Germany known as the Solnhofen Limestone. Its a place which features wonderful fossils, inclu...

There is an interesting place in the Bavarian region of Germany known as the Solnhofen Limestone. Here we can find Jurassic-era fossils.

There is an interesting place in the Bavarian region of Germany known as the Solnhofen Limestone.

For centuries, Solovetski Monastery was a center of religious learning. Then it became something else.

On the 1st of July, 1916, WWI fighting in France intensifies as the deadly Battle of the Somme begins.

The Library of Congress features this image, depicting an artist's interpretation of the Spanish Armada as it reaches Dover (famous for its White Clif...

Photograph of Spirit Lake, located near Mt. Saint Helens in Washington State, before the volcano's violent eruption on May 18, 1980.

In this U.S. Air Force photo, we see four C-123s spraying defoliant in September of 1965.

Sri Lanka - an island in the Indian Ocean, off the southern coast of the Indian subcontinent - is a place of lush beauty and rich history.

This image depicts Joseph Stalin, leader of the Soviet Union during World War II, and includes the way his name appears in Russian.

Gudea was a Prince of Lagash who lived during the troubled period following the end of the reign of Naram-Sin (who had led the Akkadian Empire to its ...

This panorama of Stirling, where the Scots won a major battle over the English in 1297, gives us a view of Abbey Craig and the Wallace Monument.

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