Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Known for its music, Vienna is also known as the "City of Dreams."

Americans became very upset about the Vietnam War when they watched horrifying scenes on their television screens.

Budapest is one of the most popular cities in the world. How did it get its name?

Fort Ticonderoga, in New York state, is a large eighteenth-century fort. It played a key role in the Revolutionary War.

Viking artifacts, found in the UK, suggest that Vikings had a trading post - and maybe a settlement - particularly on the island of Anglesey.

In northern Scotland, about thirty miles north of Inverness, archeologists believe they have found evidence of a monastery raided by Vikings.

Uncovering Viking ships is like unearthing Pharaonic tombs. And uncovering Viking ancestry, via the Human Genome Project, is just as interesting.

Niagara Fallsan ever-popular tourist destinationis a beautiful place to visit during any season.

While Jason II (a Remotely Operated Vehicle) is diving along the Ring of Fire - atNW Rota1 Brimstone Pit in the Mariana Arc- scientists unexpectedly s...

The Volga River is one of the longest in the world. Here are some key facts about it, and its topography.

A view of Walden Pond, where Henry David Thoreau lived in a small cabin between 1845-1847.

This map depicts the general location of trenches along the Western Front during World War I.

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