Geography Story Briefs

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

The well-preserved remains of a young boy, referred to as the El Plomo Mummy, were discovered, in 1954, on Cerro El Plomo.

Pablo Escobar loved the town of Envigado, which is located near the larger city of Medellin, Colombia.

In addition to America's significant economic decline, during the time of the Great Depression, the country also sustained a significant drought which...

The Euphrates River forms part of the boundary for the Fertile Cresent in Mesopotamia. It is still an important River flowing through today's Turkey, ...

Slightly less than twice the size of Texas (in the United States), South Africa borders Botswana, Lesotho (which it completely surrounds), Mozambique,...

Hameln - referred to as "Hamelin" in English - is another quaint town along Germany's popular Fairy Tale Road. It is the setting for The Pied Piper o...

About half of the world's chameleons are found on the island of Madagascar. This image depicts a female panther chameleon which has adapted to its tre...

Professor Wiles has won the Abel Prize for solving Fermat's Last Theorem. How long did it take to solve it? How did he do it?

A pyroclastic surge - a deadly, fast-moving avalanche of searing gas and rock fragments - makes its way toward Herculaneum. People, who think they wil...

When Napoleon and his Grand Army reached Moscow, on the 14th of September, 1812, nearly the whole city had been abandoned. Then it erupted in flames. ...

Vorkuta, in Russia's northern climes, was once home to a Soviet-era forced labor camp.

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