Geography Videos

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

After China was united, the First Emperor sent 300,000 soldiers to the northern frontier to drive back invading nomads.

The section of Chinas ancient wall, most-often featured in pictures and film, is actually new.

Why did the First Emperor of China, and later rulers (especially the Ming Dynasty), build a great wall?

Four thousand more Japanese troops secretly arrive at Guadalcanal in late August, 1942.

This clip is from GULAG, a documentary by Angus Macqueen which tells the story of Soviet forced-labor camps, and their prisoners, during the Stalinist...

This clip is also from GULAG, a documentary by Angus Macqueen which tells the story of Soviet forced-labor camps, and their prisoners, during the Stal...

This clip is from GULAG, a documentary by Angus Macqueen which tells the story of Soviet forced-labor camps, and their prisoners, during the Stalinist...

When the Romans first built Hadrian's Wall, in the northern part of Britannia (England), they also constructed many different "milecastles" along its ...

Despite rumors of a tsunami, following the January 12 Haitian earthquake, none occurred because this quake resulted from a strike-slip fault.

Five years after the people of Halifax buried so many of Titanic's victims, another ship caused a catastrophe in their own town.

The Han dynasty built a great wall which has resisted two thousand years of erosion in the barren desert.

In this scene from Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V, released in 1989, we see the English king and his men assessing both French and English losse...

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