Geography Videos

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

King Tut's tomb is opened Feb 13, 1924. Patron George Herbert (5th Earl of Carnarvon), owner of "Downton Abbey" (Highclere Castle), dies before Tutank...

This footage reenacts the scene at the Trinity Test site.

Homer's Iliad tells the tale of Troy and the Trojan War.

The "Queen of the Sea" - a Sri Lankan train en route from Colombo to the seaside resort of Galle, on the morning of 26 December 2004 - was dislodged f...

The closed-circuit TV camera, at Sendai airport, recorded the tsunami as it came ashore.

Thousands of people were crowded on the "Queen of the Sea" train as it traveled from Colombo (in Sri Lanka) to the resort town of Galle.

Although people in Thailand had previously experienced the effects of an earthquake, they were unfamiliar with tsunamis and their amazing power to des...

This video clip, provided by Japanese television, depicts a disaster-in-progress as a tsunami - resulting from an 8.

Areas along the northeastern coast of Japan were especially hard hit by the earthquake and resulting tsunami.

Part 2 of "Caught on Camera.

As soon as the Japanese government had information about the likelihood of a massive tsunami - following the 8.

This clip, from Discovery Education, provides an introduction to The Odyssey (by Homer) and introduces us to Ulysses (Odysseus), the story's hero.

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