Geography Videos

Geography provides a sense of place. What a country has, in terms of strategic location and natural resources, can determine its role in the world. See why geography matters in this collection of stories.

Before he was thirty, Napoleon greatly expanded French rule in Europe.

Meet Branch Rickey, the former president and general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers who believed that Major League baseball had to include non-white ...

The Empire State Building was once the tallest structure in the world.

When gold was found at John Sutter's Mill, prospectors from around America traveled to California.

While collecting specimen, at the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin did not correlate his "finds" with the name of the specific island where they were...

In this clip - from "Darwin's Dangerous Idea" - we see results of current research which experts relate to Darwin's theories.

At 1:08 into this clip, we pick-up Charles Darwin's personal story.

As deadly radiation spews from failed reactor number four, firemen fighting the resulting fires are getting sick.

It's 31 years since a nuclear reactor, located at the Chernobyl power station, exploded on April 26, 1986. Learn what went wrong.

Everything seems normal at the Chernobyl power station, but it isn't.

Ukrainian children are among the child miners of the 21st century.

This video depicts the beautiful, pastoral scene at the Jiuzhaigou waterfalls.

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