Government Chapters

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

The Great Depression is a time of unparalleled despair with people literally starving.

Tone and his Frenchmen fail to invade Ireland in 1796.

A list of facts and events that make the Presidential Inauguration a unique event.

With her father's support Susan B. Anthony fights against discrimination.

Susan realizes women will only get their rights by having the vote themselves.

Irish rebels begin an uprising, believing the French will help them defeat the English.

While running for office, many candidates suffer ridicule in local and national media outlets.

Japan surrenders on August 14, 1945, just eight days after the US drops an atom bomb on Hiroshima.

On November 5, 1872 citing the 14th Amendment, Susan B. Anthony casts her vote in the Presidential election.

Susan and her sister Mary used the 14th Amendment to convince officials to let them register to vote.

The Nazis swear secrecy and follow a strict set of rules.

Tania Chernova is a Russian-American who comes to Russia to learn how to be a sniper and help defeat the Germans.

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