Government Chapters

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

The original Emancipation Proclamation resides at the National Archives; Lincoln's copy burns in the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871.

Japanese-American citizens must evacuate their homes and go to internment camps.

As the North Vietnamese arrive in Saigon, refugees flee. Vets arrive home to scorn; finally honor comes via The Wall filled with names of the dead.

Despite his high position, Thomas Cardinal Wolsey falls from Henry VIII's favor when he is unable to convince Pope Clement VII to grant the King a div...

Joan is found guilty but that is not enough for the English judge; he finds a devious way to make sure her sentence is burning at the stake.

The US fleet at Pearl Harbor is crucial to American and Britain's war interests; the military believes the fleet is safe.

An integrated group of whites and blacks, men and women traveled by bus throughout the south to test compliance with the ruling in Boynton v Virginia

French people tire of unfair tax structures, royal overspending, and fighting long wars with England; they revolt against their monarchy in 1789.

With nearly everyone in the world cheering them on, the "Springboks" beat New Zealand's "All Blacks" to win the 1995 World Rugby Cup.

During Elizabeth's reign, England flourishes in many areas including arts, writing, naval exploration and land expansion.

The guillotine brings death to thousands of people during the French Revolution's "Reign of Terror."

North Vietnam attacks American naval ships, on 2 August 1964, but they do not react.

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