Government Chapters

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

Although President Kennedy expresses sadness at the death of the South Vietnamese President, the assassination was in line with U.S. interests.

Four years after her marriage, Louis XV dies from smallpox and Marie Antoinette becomes queen of France.

Jackie Kennedy endures the unendurable when she sees her husband murdered. Soon after JFK's death, and before leaving Dallas, Lyndon Baines Johnson ta...

Russia's Tsar orders a firing-squad charade to show Dostoevsky and his colleagues what happens to lawbreakers.

See Jefferson's original Declaration, including an indictment of slavery which Congress deleted to secure the vote.

On December 8, 1941, following Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, Franklin Roosevelt declares war.

King Kong was released during the Great Depression - a desperate time with high job loss, people losing their homes and little available food.

Mary and her future husband Bothwell are suspects in Darnley's death, which Elizabeth uses against them.

It is typical, in France, to remove the heart of a royal after death; DNA evidence proves Dr. Pelletan took Louis XVII's heart.

Political cartoons make fun of public policies and politics.

Doolittle and his Tokyo Raiders prove that Japan can be attacked; however, two US planes crash and Japanese soldiers capture the pilots.

Before the American Colonies had a federal system of government, people disagreed about many things. One thing most members of Congress agreed about, ...

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