Government Documents

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

When Robert McNamara and Maxwell Taylor returned from their fact-finding trip to South Vietnam - in the early fall of 1963 - they advised President Ke...

As early as October 2, 1963, the United States government knew that the people of South Vietnam did not want to endure a civil war.  This fact is...

"A Policy for Viet-Nam" - dated September 10, 1963 - is part of the "Pentagon Papers."  It concludes that the "war [in Vietnam, between North ...

This is page 3 of the September 11, 1963 memo which concludes that South Vietnam cannot win a war against North Vietnam without American assistance.&n...

Part of the "Pentagon Papers," this September 11, 1963 document concludes that South Vietnam could not win a war against North Vietnam without America...

In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff considered whether America should launch a military invasion of Cuba. This image depicts a top-secret, now-declassi...

This image depicts the second page of a formerly top-secret, now-declassified draft document which considers the reasons why America would be justifie...

  The U.S. federal government considered a "body of secrets" which could justify an American military invasion of Cuba. Those items, set forth i...

  The U.S. federal government considered implementing various terrorist activities to justify an American military invasion of Cuba. The top-sec...

As the Kennedy Administration continued to monitor the situation in Vietnam - where North and South were fighting against each other - "military indic...

Missouri's application for statehood is dated November 21, 1818.  This is the first page of the application. Click on the image for an expanded...

Missouri's application for statehood is dated November 21, 1818. This is the second page of the application.Click on the image for an expanded view.

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