Government Story Briefs

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

The Warren Report summarizes testimony on what happened the day President Kennedy was fatally shot.

This travel pass - signed by Benedict Arnold on September 21st, 1780 - authorized Joshua Smith to carry private letters.

This aerial photograph of Pearl Harbor was taken on the 30th of October, 1941 - about five weeks before Japan attacked the naval base.

As North Vietnamese troops neared Saigon, many people attempted to flee the city by helicopter. Hubert van Es took an iconic photo of those events on ...

Whenever a nation goes to war - whether the conflict is supported, or opposed, by most citizens - free speech is threatened.

At the really old Michelham Priory, which people say is haunted by ghosts, we also find an old pillory.

When Puritans arrived in America, they implemented the types of punishments they had known in Britain.

A pillory was a place where individuals who were punished for various crimes could be at risk for more than public humiliation.

October 23 is "World Polio Day." Step back to a time when Boards of Health issue warning signs to guard against contracting polio in the early 20th ce...

Sermons, like this one from clergy like Abraham Keteltas, supported colonial revolutionary ideas by saying that God and Biblical authority backed thei...

With very little food and no money to buy provisions starving Irish families looked to the government for help.

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