Government Story Briefs

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

The political campaigns, leading-up to the presidential election of 1884, included lots of arguing politicians.

The first witch trial, in Massachusetts, occurred soon after the Puritans arrived in America. In 1648, Margaret Jones was accused - and hanged - in Ch...

FDR wrote this secret message to Churchill in June of 1940.

It starts on 7 March 1965 when a civil rights procession, from Selma to Montgomery, turns violent. MLK gets involved and leads the second attempt (on ...

In the election of 1910, many Irish nationalists were elected to Parliament.

Since it became America's capital city, circa 1800, Washington City had slaves. This compendium includes laws impacting slavery in the District.

This letter, dated the 4th of April 1864, reflects President Lincoln's personal view of slavery.

Slave owners would pay rewards to anyone who helped recover fugitive slaves.

Throughout his presidency, Abraham Lincoln spent time at a retreat known as "Soldiers' Home.

Dr. Valentine Dale, a British diplomat during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, was attempting to negotiate with the Duke of Parma (Alexander Farnese) j...

In addition to his Warren-Commission testimony, Special Agent Clinton Hill prepared a written statement regarding the assassination of President Kenne...

Slave families are routinely split-apart as America's system of chattel slavery disregards how slave family members feel about each other.

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