Government Story Briefs

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

Bitterly disagreeing that his country should surrender to the Nazis, in June of 1940, de Gaulle was an outspoken critic of the Vichy regime.

Even before the Civil War was over, President Lincoln wanted an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which freed slaves throughout the country. The Amen...

The Bay of Pigs fueled Castro's worry of an American invasion and his desire for missiles from the Soviet Union.

The Nazi's bombed Coventry to brea morale, learn why it did not work.

Slaves helped to build the White House which upset First Lady Abigail Adams. She and John Adams were the first family to move into the Executive Mansi...

During the summer of 1964, known as "Freedom Summer," college students try to help African-Americans register to vote for the upcoming federal electio...

Colored photos depicting the plight of people in the Great Depression are rare. See a grouping including this dugout home and its adjacent garden (loc...

Edward Coke, a leading 17th-century jurist and expert on Common Law, wrote a series of works about the topic between 1628 and 1644.

You think that differing politics cause hostility now? See the results of the 1800 election in which Thomas Jefferson (a Democratic-Republican) defeat...

After South Carolina rejoined the Union, African-American males could vote. More blacks were involved in government in South Carolina than in any othe...

When Princess Elizabeth (played in this scene from Elizabeth R by Glenda Jackson) was imprisoned at the Tower of London - implicated in Wyatt's rebell...

In the fall of 1562, Elizabeth I (played by Glenda Jackson in this clip from Elizabeth R) became desperately ill with smallpox.

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