Government Story Briefs

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

After American and Filipino forces on the island of Bataan surrendered, Japanese-controlled media published the news.

On the 7th of July, 1793, Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to his friend, James Madison. In it he warned against giving a central (federal) government ...

The so-called "magic bullet," found on a stretcher (reportedly used by Governor Connally at Parkland Memorial Hospital), is shown here at high magnifi...

As huge crowds gathered at the U.S. Capitol, and throughout the Mall, John F. Kennedy delivered his famous inaugural address. It was the beginning of ...

John Adams, who was part of the Declaration-of-Independence-drafting committee, argued in favor of approving Lee's Resolution to sever the colonies' t...

John Dunlap played a key role in disseminating important news of the day in his printed broadsides. He produced the first printed versions of America'...

Learn about John Hancock through the Library of Congress records.

John Hancock was 39 years old, in 1776, when he was President of the Continental Congress and signed the Declaration of Independence. He helped to fun...

John Jay, one of America's founding fathers, was also the country's first Chief Justice (of the U.S. Supreme Court).

Who was John Locke, the British philosopher who was so influential on America’s “Founding Fathers?” Meet Locke and read some of his most-famous...

Judge John Roll, a controversial and influential Arizona jurist, dies heroically protecting another after being shot in a politcally charged rampage a...

Kapu are sacred rules that the Hawaiian's thought of as a religion.

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