Government Videos

Governments can be constitutional monarchies, dictatorships, federal republics, parliamentary democracies, constitutional republics. More than a system of rules and regulations, they help civilized people to live together peacefully. These stories explore different forms of government.

When Richard Nixon resigned the presidency on the 9th of August, 1974, America's Vice-President was sworn in as the country's 38th chief executive.

What happened in Ukraine, during 1932-33, which caused people to describe a famine in that country as Holodomor ("death by starvation)?

To this day, people in Ukraine (and elsewhere) remember the great famine of 1932-33.

The great famine of 1932-33, in Ukraine, took the lives of millions of people - yet, it is little known in the rest of the world.

This clip, from "Harvest of Despair," continues the story of the great Ukrainian famine of 1932-33.

Concluding clip from "Harvest of Despair," a film which presents the great Ukrainian famine (of 1932-33) as a preventable event, engineered by the Sov...

On August 15, 1945 - just before noon - the Japanese people heard their Emperor's voice for the first time. He was telling them to "bear the unbearabl...

In the spring of 1946, pressure mounted to try Hirohito for war crimes.

In this clip, the historian Simon Schama takes us inside Number 10 Downing Street - the London residence of Britain's Prime Minister - to see the "Whi...

On the 23rd of November, 1990, the leader of the Labour Party - Neil Kinnock - brought a no-confidence vote in the House of Commons.

Utterly stunned at the shocking murder of her close colleague, Airey Neave, Margaret Thatcher speaks to the press on March 30, 1979.

In this clip from "The Downing Street Years," by Fine Art Productions, Margaret Thatcher describes what it was like to be Prime Minister, living at Do...

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