History Chapters

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

Dostoevsky's writing reflects his belief that suffering is a part of life.

Even though the Irish Constitution states that families have rights, it does not change.

Before the American Colonies had a federal system of government, people disagreed about many things. One thing most members of Congress agreed about, ...

See pictures of baseball and its players from the second half of the 19th century.

New discoveries of known and unknown dinosaurs continue to provide new information about Earth's past.

Benedict Arnold is a militia captain who seeks too much glory and too much reimbursement.

Susan is from a Quaker family that believes men and women had equal standing before God.

The eldest of Edward III's children, Edward, the Black Prince, was the most famous medieval warrior of the day.

Lawmakers begin to protect working children in the early 1900s with age limits.

The Egyptians are experts at creating mummies; after death, the pharaohs after death went through a process of mummification.

General Eisenhower visits many Nazi death camps to document their existence and crimes.

Starving families, with no home, walk the roads to nowhere until they die.

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