History Chapters

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

A split Electoral College vote delays Jefferson from being named president, allowing John Adams to appoint many judges in the last hours of his Presid...

After Hitler's suicide, the war in Europe was over. During the final days of the Third Rheich, Nazis continued to harm concentration-camp victims, for...

As Bonhoeffer hanged from the gallows, American troops nearby already threatened the fatal blow to the Third Reich. As bodies burned in the camp's ove...

Sir Francis Drake sets old ships on fire to send towards the enemy; the Spanish panic, and the ensuing Battle of Gravelines uses up ammunition on both...

In today's society, the right to worship as one sees fit is law.

A made-up newspaper article provokes Fish to write an incriminating letter to Gracie's family, which leads to his capture.

The heroic actions of Flight 93's passengers avert another strike on a Washington, D.C. target - most likely the Capitol.

Read quotes about baseball from famous authors such as Mark Twain, Walt Whitman, and Virginia Woolf.

John Franklin, his two ships (Erebus and Terror) and his crew disappear. Searchers later find well-preserved mummified remains which provide clues why...

Frank Nitti is Al Capone's second-in-command of the Chicago outfit and leads the group while Capone is in prison.

Ashamed of his past crimes, Abagnale is now a motivational speaker and family man.

The weaving of the culure of South Carolina was due to a human mosaic blending of people. Indicator 8-1.4

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