History Chapters

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

The pillory is a form of punishment in Colonial America, but it traces its roots to Britain.

Hitler creates the Nuremberg Laws to discriminate against Jews. On January 20, 1942 leading Nazis met at the Wannsee Conference to discuss, among othe...

Within a year after Bonhoeffer and his colleagues started the Confessing Church, the Nazis were no longer content to merely humiliate Jews. Why mere...

Concentration camps, some of which are forced-labor camps and others "death camps," are part of Hitler's "Final Solution." Buchenwald and Flossenburg ...

Hitler charged Heinrich Himmler with carrying out the "Final Solution" - the Nazis' plan to rid Germany of all Jews and other political undesirables. ...

The Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh rallies the Vietnamese people and beats the French.

The Great Depression begins after the 1929 stock market crash and is the worst economic disaster in American history.

Despite half a million dead and injured and a 1953 Armistice, Korea remains divided.

Once he gives up the throne, Nicholas and his family live a life in exile very different from their royal upbringing.

Anthony illegally votes in 1872 election. Political cartoons of the time, and later, scoffed at "woman suffrage."

After the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution becomes effective, in 1868, many people believe it does not give women the right to vote. Susan B. A...

Chapter 4 of How the Game of Monopoly Saved Over 10,000 Soldiers

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