History Chapters

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

Wishing to educate his teen-aged son with the best teacher in the world, King Philip of Macedonia summons Aristotle, Greece's greatest mind. Aristotle...

Resources to learn more about the life and legacy of Jack Lewis

People learn Bible stories from looking at the miniatures.

Police and news put evidence together to determine the kidnapping victim, Bobby, and the unidentified body in Indiana are the same.

Darrow is able to win over the judge who shows mercy to both Loeb and Leopold.

Hitler orders the destruction of Paris because liberation is near; Paris is free in August 1944.

The Pilgrims spend a year in Amsterdam before religious conflicts lead them to Leiden.

Even though the Puritans flee England for religious freedom, they do not allow others the same freedom of choice.

All healthy Spartan boys become soldiers.

The Brewers recruit Morris, but he does not get to play on the team.

A new government, loyal to Germany, is set up in Vichy; the film, The Sorrow and the Pity, provides insight into life in occupied France.

The National Child Labor Committee works for change, but still expects children to hold jobs.

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