History Chapters

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

The character of Dracula is based on a Romanian price named Vlad Dracul, meaning Son of the Dragon, or Devil.

After Somalia, US soldiers receive better training. See photos and stories about the soldiers who fought and died in Somalia.

For Morris the reality of pro baseball is very hard with little playing time and little pay.

After over six years of deadly battles, Americans finally cause a turning point in the war.

Evelyn provides a platform for reform with her story, but the Irish industrial schools still exist.

After Alexander the Great's death, his body is brought to Egypt where it is preserved. History records that in 30 BC, Caesar Augustus viewed the remai...

Originally intending to take an 18-year-old boy as his victim, Fish takes the boy's 11-year-old sister Gracie instead.

Tone's Society of United Irishmen wants to downplay religious differences, but is banned.

Survivors do the best they can to pitch tents, find food and water, and look out for the children.

Police suspect people with a medical background and look at 192 suspects before the case goes to the Grand Jury.

Attacks attributed to the Ripper typically involve female prostitutes who live and work in the Whitechapel-area slums of London.

Although the prosecution declares Fish sane, there is little doubt that he is crazy and the jury still finds him guilty.

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