History Chapters

The Story of Us - from the beginning of time to the present - is usually written by "the victors." True-to-life events, however, must include opposing points of view. This collection features stories about people, places and events which go beyond "the already known and obvious."

Historians are not sure who made the first cards, which stiffened a pack of cigarettes, but James Buchanan ("Buck") Duke gets credit.

By 1860, Louis Prang is mass-producing small trade cards to introduce, or advertise, products.

Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick, is born somewhere in Britain probably near the end of the fourth century.

It's October 3, 1993 and a Black Hawk chopper - Super 64 - is flying over Mogadishu. Soon thereafter, the crew tries to recover hurt or dead soldiers....

The helicopters sent to Somalia are Black Hawks; they have many uses including carrying troops and weapons.

In 1995, the mummified remains of a young girl are found; she was probably a sacrifice to the gods.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer's war-time writing continues to encourage people.

Years after Bonhoeffer's death, people still recall the courage of a pastor who was willing to actively resist the evils of the Third Reich. Decades ...

Being placed and tied to a wheel is another very painful and slow way to die.

Sir Walter Raleigh's ship is the flagship of the British fleet, which is smaller than the 130 ships in the Spanish Armada.

British troops land at Gold Beach and overcome massive casualties to meet up with the Canadians at Juno.

Can black children be barred from attending publicly supported schools?

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