Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

As a sign of freedom, the colonies begin printing their own money.

President Kennedy's Executive Committee (Ex Comm) is a group of senior advisors who meet with JFK throughout the missile crisis.

As Russia is in full-scale revolution, the entire Romanov family is executed.

75 years ago - on 19 Feb 1942 - FDR signs Executive Order 9066 allowing military action against Japanese-American citizens.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives President Johnson more power concerning the situation in Vietnam.

The US threatens a shipping quarantine, while Russia will not allow US inspectors to board their ships.

FDR wants the Supreme Court to agree with all his social policies, so he proposes increasing the number of Justices. Cartoonists bring this court-pack...

Framers of the Constitution debate how much power federal courts should have.

A split Electoral College vote delays Jefferson from being named president, allowing John Adams to appoint many judges in the last hours of his Presid...

Chapter 4

In today's society, the right to worship as one sees fit is law.

Many of the leaders of the fight to end slavery are former slaves themselves.

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