Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

The Navy has a long history of racial discrimination so Brashear does menial tasks and has little hope of advancement.

Even with the Constitution, debate continues over how much power the federal government should have.

American slaves rarely fight for their freedom.

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.1 The impact of Reconstruction, Industrialization, and Progressivism

America adopts child labor laws in 1938, but other countries still employ children to provide cheap labor.

Most of America's early colonists are trying to escape punishment for their religious beliefs, yet it continues in America.

As Lenin relaxes Bolshevik policies in Ukraine, the people have a resurgence of national patriotism and culture.

President Nixon's actions are the subject of many famous political cartoons by Herb Block (Herblock), which can be viewed online.

Within ten years after Wallace's death, Scotland is free and Robert the Bruce becomes king.

An artist in his own right, Rudolf Abel used that profession, plus photography, as his cover in America. No one suspected that he was anything but wha...

Rudolf Abel, born in England and given the name Willy Fisher, became well-known as a Soviet spy when he was captured, in the US, during 1957.

Rudolf Abel's main contact, in the U.S., was a hard-drinking individual who was indiscrete about his activities. Abel rightly worried that he could be...

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