Law and Politics Chapters

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

Anna Sage, a Romanian immigrant, offers information on Dillinger to the FBI in exchange for their help in preventing her deportation.

Three people die at the Little Bohemia resort when the FBI fails to capture Dillinger and his gang.

Political cartoons make fun of public policies and politics.

Even though the Irish Constitution states that families have rights, it does not change.

Before the American Colonies had a federal system of government, people disagreed about many things. One thing most members of Congress agreed about, ...

To declare the American colonies' independence from Great Britain, Thomas Jefferson prepares a first draft of the Declaration of Independence for the ...

South Carolina History Standard 8-5.2 Describe the economic impact of Reconstruction on South Carolina in each of the various social classes

Although his family continues to try to see him, Edgardo decides to remain with the Catholic Church.

Edgardo chooses the Catholic Church over freedom and his family.

Even after liberation, Edgardo plans never to rejoin his family.

Edward Bushell holds firm on his verdict, in favor of William Penn, and his own case (based on a Writ of Habeas Corpus) changes the law for future jur...

Lawmakers begin to protect working children in the early 1900s with age limits.

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