Law and Politics Videos

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

In October of 1960, the leader of the Soviet delegation to the United Nations is upset and will not be ignored. To get attention, he ignores protocol ...

Aboard the USS Panay, on the 12th of December 1937, was a Universal News cameraman who had covered World War I and was in China to report on the Japan...

As the Kronstadt sailors stormed the Winter Palace, appropriating its considerable wine collection along the way, Lenin was consolidating his power ba...

Susan B. Anthony did not live long enough to see American women voting in a national election.

Kermit ("Kim") Roosevelt, Jr - grandson of U.

In 1951, the Shah of Iran appointed Dr. Mossadeq - a popular politician who was elected by people in Tehran to serve as their parliamentary represen...

By 1951, the Iranian government - led by its popular Prime Minister, Dr.

"A New India" was born in August of 1947 split into two along religious lines.

Joan of Arc is condemned to death on May 30, 1431. Critics raved about this 1928 silent-film interpreting Joan of Arc, starring Maria Falconetti.

One of the most-famous lines from the American Revolution still resonates: Give me liberty or give me death!

Peter I (later known as Peter the Great) strongly desired to move Russia forward.

So many people were upset about the "Community Charge" - more popularly known as the "Poll Tax" - that riots erupted throughout Britain.

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