Law and Politics Videos

What the law requires (or allows) is not always fair or just or honorable. Politics is often polarizing. Stories in this collection help us to examine the highs and lows of "the law" over the centuries.

History records that Hirohito seemed to be in a good mood on the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. Historians argue that when he approved the attack, he ...

On the 70th anniversary of VJ Day, people still wonder whether Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, was responsible for Japan's role in WWII. To his people, Hi...

In the spring of 1946, pressure mounted to try Hirohito for war crimes.

Hitler had a plan of conquest when he came to power as leader of the Third Reich.

In this clip, combining rare archival footage with recreated scenes, Hitler's cameraman films the Fuhrer who keeps his left hand behind his back.

James O'Donnell's book The Bunker is about the last days of the Third Reichbased on extensive eyewitness interviews and documents.

70 years later, people still feel the impact of partitioning India into two countries (India and Pakistan) based on religion.

In 1998, the Catholic Church opened the archive of the Holy Office of the Inquisition for a limited review.

To root-out perceived heresy, the Catholic Church began its first Inquisition (especially against Waldensians in southern France) around 1184.

On the 23rd of November, 1990, the leader of the Labour Party - Neil Kinnock - brought a no-confidence vote in the House of Commons.

Utterly stunned at the shocking murder of her close colleague, Airey Neave, Margaret Thatcher speaks to the press on March 30, 1979.

In this clip from "The Downing Street Years," by Fine Art Productions, Margaret Thatcher describes what it was like to be Prime Minister, living at Do...

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