Legends and Legendary People Chapters

Meet some of the world's most-colorful characters in this collection. From Roman times to the Spanish Main, these individuals were famous in their own lifetimes and later, when their stories became the "stuff of legends."

Even though Boone outwits the Shawnee, many think he is a traitor for surrendering without a fight.

China has beautiful mountains once covered by trees, but many forest areas are being destroyed.

South Carolina used their natural resources to trade with other nations to become wealthy Indicator 8-1.5

As the Armada nears Britain, negotiators continue to try to avoid war.

Nicholas' wealthy parents die when he is just a boy and legend says he wants to share the money his parents leave him.

The silent film Nosferatu is brilliant, but dies quickly due to copyright problems. The executor of Bram Stoker's Estate was extremely displeased that...

Peter Pan's opening night is a complete surprise to the audience who loves the story; the five Llewelyn Davies boys love seeing their exploits on stag...

Michael Cassius McDonald creates the first organized crime syndicate in Chicago.

The pioneering efforts of Swiss scientist, Hans Jenny, suggests sound vibrations could form crop circles.

To his family and Colombia's downtrodden people, Pablo Escobar is a much-loved man. To the government, he is a highly wanted criminal drug-lord.

Pablo Escobar has one major reason for becoming involved in Colombian politics: To make sure his country does not sign an extradition treaty with the...

In his efforts to protect his illegal enterprise from crumbling into legal problems, Pablo Escobar pays-off security guards.

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