Legends and Legendary People Chapters

Meet some of the world's most-colorful characters in this collection. From Roman times to the Spanish Main, these individuals were famous in their own lifetimes and later, when their stories became the "stuff of legends."

Fighting for freedom begins in the Texas territory.

Jesse's close friend, Robert Ford, shoots him in the head in his own house while his family is there.

The role of SC in their new government and the national government after the War Indicator 8-2.6

The Catholic Church tries to repress scientific ideas which go against Church dogma; the Illuminati, a secret group, allegedly forms to promote scient...

Britons seek help from Angles, Saxons and Jutes to keep out invaders; before long, those helpers also become attacking invaders.

In 1870, Charles MacLaren finds the ruins of the city of Troy after following landscape descriptions from Homer in the Iliad. Later the city of Mycena...

Sacagawea, a Shoshone Indian teenager, works as an interpreter on the Lewis and Clark expedition to explore the west.

See pictures of places where Barrie and the Davies boys meet, play and live.

Walter Raleigh helps uncover the Babington Plot and becomes a favorite of Elizabeth's; he attempts to form a settlement in the New World.

One theory suggests that Sir William Gull, Queen Victoria's physician, is Jack the Ripper.

Some historians believe the real Snow White is Margarete von Waldeck, a German girl from the 16th century.

Some historians believe the real Snow White is Maria Sophia Margaretha Catherina, a German girl from the 18th century.

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