Legends and Legendary People Chapters

Meet some of the world's most-colorful characters in this collection. From Roman times to the Spanish Main, these individuals were famous in their own lifetimes and later, when their stories became the "stuff of legends."

It takes 3 days of hunting for each other, but finally Vasily sees a reflection of Konig and is able to shoot and kill him.

The Emperor unifies seven states into one empire and builds the Great Wall to keep out foreigners.

Humphry Davy builds-on the work of Alessandro Volta and shocks a London audience with an incredibly bright electric light.

Despite his high position, Thomas Cardinal Wolsey falls from Henry VIII's favor when he is unable to convince Pope Clement VII to grant the King a div...

The Armada moves slowly towards the English Channel in a crescent formation, while the British "race" ships harass the Spanish ships.

During Elizabeth's reign, England flourishes in many areas including arts, writing, naval exploration and land expansion.

Stretching four thousand miles through the entire country, the Great Wall of China is a man-made wonder of the world.

Despite his nickname as "The Hanging Judge," Isaac C. Parker personally opposed capital punishment. Even so, he gave hundreds of convicted criminals t...

TheHimalayan Mountains claim nine of the world's ten highest peaks, including the highest Mount Everest.

"Jurassic" is a period of history named for the Jura Mountains that border France and Switzerland.

We remember Chief Wilma Mankiller

While history tells us that Dracula fought the Turks to save his country from being concquered by the Ottoman Empire, Romanian folklore and literature...

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