Legends and Legendary People Chapters

Meet some of the world's most-colorful characters in this collection. From Roman times to the Spanish Main, these individuals were famous in their own lifetimes and later, when their stories became the "stuff of legends."

A local judge and friend, Wells Spicer, absolves the Earps andDoc Holliday for the murders of the McLaurys and Clanton.

Menelaus talks his brother, Agamemnon, into helping him get his wife back. The Greeks set sail with 1,000 ships and believe that they will win the war...

The Greeks build and leave a huge wooden horse outside the gates of Troy as a gift. During the night, Greeks exit the horse and begin to conquer Troy.

When Abe Lincoln was a young boy of seven, he nearly drowned in Knob Creek.

Commodus suffers assassination, as do the next two rulers who replace him.

Commodus suffers assassination, as do the next two Caesars who follow him.

Tortuga, located off the coast of Haiti, is home to buccaneers and a safe harbor for pirates.

Barrie helps financially and emotionally as both Sylvia Llewelyn Davies and her husband die of cancer; their five young boys are orphans.

Triceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur with huge horns and weighed around 5 tons.

In Norse mythology, trolls are supernatural and dangerous beings.

There is bad blood between the Earps, the Clantons, and the McLaurys.

T-Rex is an extinct, meat-eating dinosaurfirst found in 1902 by Barnum Brown.

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