Legends and Legendary People Story Briefs

Meet some of the world's most-colorful characters in this collection. From Roman times to the Spanish Main, these individuals were famous in their own lifetimes and later, when their stories became the "stuff of legends."

Meet John Hartnell and his mummified remains. A sailor who served aboard HMS Erebus, he died while exploring the Arctic with the Franklin Expedition.

General Sherman devastated Atlanta during his 1864 "March to the Sea.

England's National Day features St. George, the Dragon Slayer, who is the patron saint of many countries, including England. What is the story behind ...

Someone is buried in a grave near the Kirklees Priory gatehouse. Legends say the grave belongs to Robin Hood.

Gildas, an ancient chronicler, tells us that after Rome's legions left Britannia, intruders invaded the shores of the country we now know as Britain.

Johannes Gutenberg invented one of "the machines that made us."

During 1758, Halley's Comet appeared over the Hawaiian Islands; the same day, King Kamehameha I was born.

Halloween has its roots in the Celtic people and their festival of Samhain (pronounced SAU-an). How do the scary parts of the holiday line-up with its...

The “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” are known as one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.”No one really knows where the Ha...

Born into a very wealthy family, Henry Cavendish - a humble, eccentric man - devotes his life to science.

The legend of Hercules.

Irish school children, in the 1960s, tell the story of St. Patrick (of St. Patrick's Day).

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