Medicine Chapters

Understanding human anatomy, and how to diagnose and treat illnesses, has changed dramatically from ancient to modern times. This collection features people whose medical breakthroughs helped to save millions of lives.

Modern scholars wonder if other diseases and bacteria accompanied the medieval-era plague, and that's why it was so infectious and deadly.

Description of cocaine's effect on the human body and brain.

Black Death (or pestilence) gets its name from black boils which appear on the bodies of infected people.

A bacterium, Yersinia pestis, causes Bubonic plague; the oriental rat flea transmits the disease to humans from black rats.

From the ancient to the modern world, people have tried to understand rabies, but it remains a mysterious albeit deadly illness. At least today, we kn...

Luigi Galvani believes that a frog's leg twitches because of electricity inside the frog while Alessandro Volta believes the electricity comes from ou...

Most likely beginning in the Gobi Desert, the plague spreads throughout Asia and then Europe following trade routes.

Unsterile conditions during the searches for the bullet result in a deadly infection and blood poisoning.

Williams helps Fisher come to terms with his past.

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