Medieval Times Chapters

When knights and castles served kings and queens, a feudal system employed peasants and vassals. Uneducated people used art to learn stories they could not read for themselves. This collection is about life in the Middle Ages.

The words and quotes of Thomas Hobbs show why man feels he has the right to torture others.

Life in medieval Europe consists of poor hygiene, close quarters, living and eating with animals and farming; seemingly, everyone has fleas.

In medieval Europe, the plague strikes down all classes of people regardless of wealth, education or social status.

View images of the Diamond Sutra Cave treasures, Martin Luther's works, and beautiful books and manuscripts.

The movie Braveheart wins many awards, but it is not a factually correct look at Wallace's life

The medieval Catholic Church tries, finds guilty, and then excommunicates ... moles.

Giovanni Boccaccio writes Decameron, a first-hand account of behavior during the medieval plague; some people flee, while others enjoy life to the ful...

Unable to read or write their language, the rights of peasants are not important and their struggles ignored.

Peter the Hermit is a French man who goes from town to town preaching and motivating people to join the Crusade.

Even though Raymond has an agreement with Saladin, the Franks on his land attack Saladin's men.

Artwork shows Dante's words because many medieval people cannot read.

Words describing rabies, going back to ancient times, are all based on fear. It is a disease from which people die if they develop symptoms.

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