Philosophy Chapters

What does it mean to have a "world view?" How does "thinking about the meaning of life" translate into "living life?" Who are the world's great thinkers? Is Aristotle still relevant? This Collection features philosophy-related stories.

Jesus predicts his own death, causing many to doubt that he is the Messiah.

Martin Luther has issues with the Church and thinks Purgatory is nothing more than a Church plan to get people's money.

Martin Luther thinks Purgatory is nothing more than a Church plan to get people's money.

Artwork shows Dante's words because many medieval people cannot read.

Today, the Catholic Church still holds that Purgatory is a place where a person's soul goes after death.

Colonial Puritans believe that the only right way is God's way, as they interpret the Biblical meaning of God's ways.

Rasputin treats Alexei's hemophilia and becomes a trusted, close advisor to the Romanov family.

The real D'Artagnan lives during a time when seeds of the French Revolution are planted.

Most of America's early colonists are trying to escape punishment for their religious beliefs, yet it continues in America.

To end the Huguenot threat to the king's power, Richelieu orders the siege of La Rochelle, a Huguenot fortress on the Atlantic coast.

Ambigrams are words which look the same whether you view them right-side-up or upside-down.

Rome dominates the Jews and their county while Jesus preaches love and forgiveness.

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