Philosophy Chapters

What does it mean to have a "world view?" How does "thinking about the meaning of life" translate into "living life?" Who are the world's great thinkers? Is Aristotle still relevant? This Collection features philosophy-related stories.

Sparta is a Greece city-state which protects itself from enemies with its organized standing army.

Even with limited sunlight, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg display many medieval stained glass treasures.

Many famous examples of stained glass can be found in the cathedrals of France.

Among Italy's architectural treasures are many spectacular stained glass windows.

While dominating world trade, the Netherlands builds many churches with stained glass windows.

Britain has many medieval stained glass windows; a recent discovery, at Canterbury Cathedral, reveals use of a space frame (an engineering solution at...

Dietrich Bonhoeffer continues to speak out against the German government. He helps smuggle Jews to Switzerland and joins a plot to kill Hitler.

With their increasing "legal" authority, Nazis began direct attacks against Jews on Kristallnacht, "the Night of Broken Glass." Engineered by Joseph G...

The Great Depression is a time of despair with people literally starving in America.

The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre in 1572 involves assassinations and mob violence by Roman Catholics towards the Huguenots.

Stained glass windows tell stories of the Bible and saints to illiterate people.

St. Patrick is honored every year on March 17th, his religious feast day and likely day of death.

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