Philosophy Story Briefs

What does it mean to have a "world view?" How does "thinking about the meaning of life" translate into "living life?" Who are the world's great thinkers? Is Aristotle still relevant? This Collection features philosophy-related stories.

Caravaggio painted this work, entitled "The Denial of St.

After the ancient Olympics were no-longer held, and the buildings were destroyed either by man or by nature, many of the ruins were covered with flood...

Before he became a pope, Giuseppe Sarto had a great deal of experience living among his parishoners. As Pope Pius X, he strongly opposed the outbreak ...

The painting depicted in this image - another one attributed to Caravaggio and also entitled The Crowning with Thorns - is an oil-on-canvas which meas...

Sermons, like this one from clergy like Abraham Keteltas, supported colonial revolutionary ideas by saying that God and Biblical authority backed thei...

When Pope Gregory VII was born, circa 1025, his family lived near Sovana (which was then part of the Papal States).

Pope Leo X issued a Papal Bull (directive) called Exsurge Domine (in English, from Latin, "Arise O Lord") on the 15th of June, 1520.

Pope Urban II gave a speech at the Council of Clermont, in 1095, which ended-up being one of the most significant of the medieval era. He urged the pe...

Pieter Bruegel - usually called "Pieter Bruegel the Elder" - is known as the greatest Flemish painter of the 16th century.

One hundred years after Luther nails his 95 Theses to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg (on October 31, 1517), a conflict called the Thirty Years W...

Learn the story of Purim - celebrated from sunset-to-sunset on March 23-24, 2016 - which dates back to an ancient event when Jews were saved from cert...

Quakers were persecuted in England as well as in Britain's American Colonies. George Fox, who founded the "Society of Friends," was among those persec...

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