Poetry Chapters

Poets convey deep thoughts with few words. How do poets approach their subjects? Why is the rhythm of words important to them? Poets want their words to be heard. Here's a collection to read "out loud."

Poe's gambling and borrowing leads to debt; left on his own, he leaves Virginia and returns to Boston as a literary critic.

Barrie begins Peter Pan in 1903 because he promises Charles Frohman a new play for Maude Adams; Peter is a character he has used before.

Poe's bloody detective stories begin to mirror real life, including his wife's diagnosis of tuberculosis.

At 27, Poe falls in love with his cousin Virginia, whom he marries when she is 13.

Why do poppies grow in Flanders Fields? What made the red field poppies spring-up during the Second Battle of Ypres?

Indonesians decide to get rid of native trees and replace them with more valuable oil palm trees.

Read a poem about the life of Reema Samaha, an 18 year-old freshman in Urban Planning.

Britons seek help from Angles, Saxons and Jutes to keep out invaders; before long, those helpers also become attacking invaders.

Read a poem about the life of Ross Abdallah Alameddine, a 20 year-old sophomore in English.

A rival, Rufus Griswold, changes Poe's work and private letters; then he publishes the fakes.

See pictures of places where Barrie and the Davies boys meet, play and live.

Watching the dripping of icicles might give us some idea of what it's like for a person with dementia whose thoughts seem to drip from their once-focu...

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