Poetry Story Briefs

Poets convey deep thoughts with few words. How do poets approach their subjects? Why is the rhythm of words important to them? Poets want their words to be heard. Here's a collection to read "out loud."

Poem on healthy life balance, by Carole Bos.

Poem on independence by Carole Bos

This image depicts Robert Frost, the famous American poet, as he appeared circa 1910.

Bobby Kennedy delivered calming words which maintained the peace despite the tragic loss of MLK. He gave an emotional, extemporaneous speech in Indian...

Saadi (Sa'di) Shirazi - often referred to only by his first name - was a Persian poet who lived in the late-12th / early 13th centuries.

Making their way through the various parts of the Inferno, Dante and Virgil come to the "Ninth Circle of Hell."  There they see a gigantic figure...

Poem on impact of negative relationships in childhood.

C.S. ("Jack") Lewis found love late in life, but his marriage to Joy Gresham did not last long.

On the 1st of July, 1916, WWI fighting in France intensifies as the deadly Battle of the Somme begins.

Heinrich Karl Bukowski - better known as Charles Bukowski (or "Hank," to his friends and family) - was born in Andernach, Germany on the 16th of Augus...

Love poem, by Carole Bos.

As snow blankets so many places, let's examine a famous work by Robert Frost. What is the meaning behind this poem? Have a look and a listen.

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