Poetry Story Briefs

Poets convey deep thoughts with few words. How do poets approach their subjects? Why is the rhythm of words important to them? Poets want their words to be heard. Here's a collection to read "out loud."

Poem on observing nature.

Poem on communication, by Carole Bos.

Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) was born 21 years after the United States Supreme Court declared that "separate but equal" - between whites and people of...

An epic is a story, usually in the form of a narrative poem, featuring a hero who prevails despite terrible odds.

William Ernest Henley (1849-1903), the author of "Invictus" - a poem which sustained Nelson Mandela through his decades of imprisonment - was himself ...

William Haines Lytle was born in Cincinnati, November 2, 1826. He wrote a famous poem, commemorating the death of Jesse James.

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