Russian Studies Story Briefs

For about 70 years of its long history, Russia was part of the Soviet Union. Explore before-and-after stories about the country and its people, writers, artists, culture, rulers and worldwide influence.

The last days of the Romanov family begins with these words: ''At midnight, Yakov Yurovsky, the leader of the executioners, came up the stairs to awak...

Francis Gary Powers was tried as an American spy after the Soviets shot-down his U-2 while Powers was flying near Sverdlovsk, Russia.

This video clip contains historical footage of the trial of downed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers. The three-day trial took place in August of 1960.

Tsar Alexander I, of Russia, was known as an enigmatic ruler during his lifetime and as "Blessed Alexander" in Russian history. He led his country dur...

Francis Gary Powers was flying a Lockheed U-2 over Soviet territory when he was shot-down by a surface-to-air missile on May 1, 1962.

The Volga River is one of the longest in the world. Here are some key facts about it, and its topography.

This image depicts the Katyusha BM-13 rocket launcher.

Previously the St. Petersburg home of Russian Tsars, the Winter Palace is now home to the Hermitage Museum.

After Francis Gary Powers was convicted as a spy, in Moscow, Wolfgang Vogel negotiated the exchange of Rudolf Abel for Powers. His negotiating partner...

When James Donovan negotiated for the exchange of Rudolf Abel and Francis Gary Powers, he worked with an East German lawyer named Wolfgang Vogel.

This drawing - featuring a "Warplant" - was a political cartoon which ran during the World War I era.

Yakov Mikhaylovich Yurovsky (18781938) was responsible for executing Tsar Nicholas, his family and their closest helpers (including Doctor Botkin).

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