STEM Chapters

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Splitting atoms, called nuclear fission, creates energy (in the form of heat) called nuclear energy.

Power generated inside the nuclear reactor is what creates steam to power a nuclear submarine.

Despite advice of scouts, Bean and DePodesta use James's system to pick the 2002 Oakland A's team members.

It is a complex process to drill oil from the Gulf of Mexico; equipment must be able to descend at least 18,000 feet.

By 1904, when this photo was taken aboard a bark called Sunbeam, not much had changed in the method by which whalers removed spermaceti (high-quality ...

Ancient plants and animals form the basis of oil, which stays beneath the ground in sponge-like rock formations.

Geologists use sound waves to locate oil beneath the surface of ground and water.

Howard Hughes' father, along with many others, was a fortune-seeker lured by Texas oil.

Small ceramic tiles on the surface of space shuttles protect against high temperatures on reentry to earth.

The pioneering efforts of Swiss scientist, Hans Jenny, suggests sound vibrations could form crop circles.

Involved in an accident while retrieving an underwater bomb, Brashear injures his leg and must have it amputated.

Pan Am 1736 and KLM 4805 head for disaster.

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