STEM Chapters

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

What has caused the Ebola-virus outbreak in Yambuku? Scientists are not sure, even to this day.

The Hughes family becomes extremely wealthy from the invention of the "rock eater" drill bit.

Space rocks are natural space debris that float in space, but occasionally reach the Earth's surface.

Spider webs are sticky traps which ensnare flying insects to provide food for the spider.

Spinosaurus made the news in September of 2014 when paleontologists announced this dinosaur spent much of its life in water. A meat-eating creature fr...

A look at each phase of a Monarch butterfly's life, from birth through maturity.

The Great Depression is a time of unmatched despair with people literally starving.

Bletchely Park has honored Alan Turing with this life-sized statute, created by Stephen Kettle. The work was commissioned by Sidney E. Frank, an Ameri...

People in Galveston should have received warnings of the 1900 hurricane; however, the U.S. Weather Bureau banned all data and warnings from Cuba.

Sue—the most-complete fossilized remains of a T. rex ever found—is named for its discoverer, Sue Hendrickson. Experts do not know, however...

Just like the Deepwater Horizon itself, with its many moving parts, the disaster at the rig includes many details. This story summarizes the key issue...

Lucas, Belon's son, describes living through the tsunami, the survivors, the hospital and rescue by his father and brothers.

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