STEM Chapters

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

"Jurassic" is a period of history named for the Jura Mountains that border France and Switzerland.

The K-19 belongs to the "Hotel" class of Soviet nuclear submarines and is not combat worthy.

Germany protests that neutral America allows pilots to fly in combat for France; the squadron's name changes to Lafayette Escadrille.

The last recorded, publicly released words from the Challenger are "Uh-oh."

A Dutch professor, living and working in Leyden, wants to store electricity so he has it readily available for his crowd-pleasing demonstrations. Can...

When they migrate, Monarch butterflies take three different paths, depending on whether they begin east or west of the Rocky Mountains.

A descripion of what each generation of Monarchs accomplishes.

Frozen in ice, George Mallory's newly discovered body remains preserved 75 years after his death.

Hardened volcanic ash freezes time to provide a historical record of life in Pompeii.

Immediately after San Francisco's 1906 earthquake, members of the US Army and Navy, plus local police and firefighters, fight the fires and help the q...

In a rare weather event, three separate weather systems are on a "perfectly" aligned collision course.

The Poor Laws, meant to help, only led to more landowners getting rid of tenants.

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