STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

When Germany's rigid airships were able to travel long distances, they required special recovery procedures to help them land. This video footage depi...

Allied forces searching for Nazi scientists discovered a hidden nuclear reactor and the world's first fighter jet developed under Hitler's rule.

Scientists working for Hitler's Third Reich continued to work, after the war, but for the United States. Historians believe that the U.S. rocket progr...

This image depicts a view of the Horsehead Nebula. Click on the image to see an even-more sensational view of the photo.NASA’s Astronomy Picture...

Hubble, the orbiting space telescope, transmits unbelievably beautiful images to Earth. One of its most extraordinary images is this infrared view of ...

What makes a simple bar of soap a deadly weapon against COVID-19?

When the orbiting space telescope known as Hubble was first released, it had blurry-vision! Astronauts, aboard a space shuttle, were sent to repair it...

What makes Hubble able to "see" such amazing vistas in space? Her "Optical Telescope Assembly" has something to do with capturing incredible images.

Hubble, the orbiting space telescope, was carried into space by the crew of the space shuttle Discovery.

Hugh Alexander, portrayed by Matthew Goode in "The Imitation Game," was a British chess champion who was recruited to be a code breaker at Bletchely P...

Brainy facts, about the human brain, and how its various parts work together. How many daily calories does it take, for example, for our brains to wor...

Catch a ride on the Cassini spacecraft and watch as its Huygens probe lands on the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon!

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