STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Is the story about Isaac Newton and the falling apple true or just a legend? A 1752 manuscript may provide an answer.

Jack Swigert, seen here at breakfast on launch-day morning - the 11th of April, 1970 - had replaced Ken Mattingly as Command Module Pilot three days b...

In January of 1915, James McConnell went to France to simply observe the war. However he soon became a war hero, driving ambulances, then as a pilot.

On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy addressed a joint session of Congress. He proposed, in that speech, to send Americans to the Moon.

Jimmy Harrell was the Offshore Information Manager (OIM) on Deepwater Horizon. He had command of the oil rig while it was connected to the wellhead.

In his Friendship 7 space capsule, John Glenn is the first American to orbit Earth, becoming an instant hero in the process. His historic trip takes p...

When John Nash was only 19 years old, his Professor at Carnegie Institute of Technology recommended him to the Math Department at Princeton by calling...

John W. Young, an American astronaut, flew to the Moon (during Apollo 10), landed on the Moon (during Apollo 16) and flew the first-ever shuttle missi...

NASA's Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) had to be redesigned, after its design flaws caused the loss of Challenger and its seven astronauts.

Dr. Jonas Salkgave a lengthy interview toEdward R. Murrowto explain how his polio vaccine would work.

Although not everyone agrees, some paleontologists believe thatArchaeopteryx lithographicais the earliest-known bird which has been discovered anywher...

The Karakoram Range near K2 (the world's second-highest mountain) provides scientists with unexpected tools to study the impact of climate change.

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