STEM Story Briefs

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

To find oil underwater, researchers conduct seismic surveys to determine “what lies beneath.”

This illustration lists seven processes in neurotransmitter action.

At the height of the Everest climbing season, we think about Sherpas and how they help adventurers climb the world's tallest mountain. In both 2014 an...

Silkeborg Museum, located in the Danish town of Silkeborg, has an Iron-Age collection which features two mummies found in a nearby peat bog.

In his narrative, Simon Northup describes his bout with a dreaded disease known as smallpox.

This fossilized dinosaur head, found in China, once belonged to a previously unknown animal.

When soap and the virus causing COVID-19 come together, a chemical process begins. What is that process?

Einstein's theory of General Relativity, including its description of gravity, is proved with a total solar eclipse.

This drawing depicts a cross section of the Solid Rocket Motor which was in use at the time of the Challenger disaster.

There is an interesting place in the Bavarian region of Germany known as the Solnhofen Limestone. Here we can find Jurassic-era fossils.

There is an interesting place in the Bavarian region of Germany known as the Solnhofen Limestone.

Image of the lunar space suit developed for the Soviet cosmonauts for operations on the surface of the moon.

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