STEM Videos

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

On 18 March 1965, Aleksei Leonov was the first person to walk in space.

This video clip, from CERN, reveals what scientists believe is an "antimatter flash" in the Milky Way.

Early investigative reports, regarding the disaster of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, reveal that it was likely destroyed by a surface-to-air (SAM) m...

This video clip depicts the early days of a revolutionary concept in the making of cars - the assembly line.

The North Atlantic seas south of Iceland were relatively calm on May 9, 1941 as a British convoy made its way from England to Nova Scotia.

In 1616,Galileo had agreed not to teach the Copernican theory.

Galileo thought that being attached to the court in Florence was best for him, but his friends warned that he wouldnt be as safe there as he was in Tu...

Continuing with his theories on motion, Galileo used a horse to demonstrate that the Earth moves.

By the following spring, after Tuscany was no longer severely threatened by the plague, Galileo could once again communicate with Rome.

When a new Pope was elected in Rome - Urban VIII - Galileo believed his ideas would finally be accepted.

On the 7th of January, 1610, Galileo turned his telescope to the sky and discovered that Jupiter had three moons.

Galileo Galilei was born at a time when people believed the sun revolved around the earth - a theory originally proposed by the Greek philosopher Aris...

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