STEM Videos

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Sir David Attenborough explains how part of Africa and India was split-off, to exist on its own as the island of Madagascar, and introduces us to some...

Madagascar is home to various species which exist nowhere else on Earth.

From the BBC's "Planet Dinosaur," we see a clip of Majungasaurus behaving in a most extraordinary way - as a cannibal.

Manfred von Richthofen - Germany's World War I ace - flew a Fokker DR1 which was painted red.

Marie & Pierre Curie were married scientists who first isolated radioactive radium salts on the 20th of April, 1902. Learn more about their world-chan...

As the spacecraft carrying an exploratory rover descends to Mars, controllers on Earth are monitoring what is occurring hundreds of millions of miles ...

Hitting the Martian surface at about 40 Gs, a lander carrying the Mars rover is cushioned by air bags.

After traveling seven months to Mars, the orbiter (MRO) circles the Red Planet and transmits images to her controllers on Earth.

After a perilous journey to Mars, the exploratory rovers (Spirit and Opportunity) have to reassemble themselves.

After a Mars Exploratory Rover (called MER) arrives on the Martian surface, it goes through a kind of metamorphosis over a period of at least nine day...

Since her arrival on Mars, the exploratory rover Spirit (also known as MER-A) has had quite a journey on the Martian surface.

This documentary - entitled The Atom Strikes!

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