STEM Videos

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

Meet some of the sea's most interesting creatures in this clip from the BBC's wonderful series, The Blue Planet.

Given their extremely large engines, and the speeds at which offshore powerboats can travel, it is easy for these machines to develop problems.

On witnessing the first test of the atomic bomb, which he had helped to develop during his work with the Manhattan Project, Dr.

In this segment of a 60-Minutes investigation into the Deepwater Horizon disaster, we learn of concerns about other offshore drilling rigs at work in ...

This documentary, from the BBC, acquaints us with the Pacific's "Ring of Fire."  Also referred to as the "Circum Pacific Belt," the area compri...

In this clip from "Pompeii: The Last Day," we step back in time to learn what happened when Vesuvius powerfully exploded, burying the towns of Pompeii...

How does photosynethesis work?

When the leaves of trees take-in carbon dioxide (which they need to live) they go through a process of releasing oxygen (which people and animals need...

Captain Black Sam Bellamy (a notorious pirate who was born in Devonshire, England) lost his flagship (the Whydah Gally) - which he'd captured from the...

"Sully," starring Tom Hanks, depicts a miracle instead of a disaster when all people aboard Flight 1549 survive a water-landing in the Hudson.

What exists under the Earths surface can be as interesting and beautiful as what meets the eye above it.

Scientists believe that mountains form when the Earths tectonic plates converge.

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