STEM Videos

Science, technology, engineering and math are key subjects to study in today's rapidly changing, technology-based society. They are also great subjects for interesting stories.

One of the most dangerous parts of a shuttle mission is when Houston gives the order to "go at throttle up.

On the 1st of February, 2003, two RNAF (Royal Dutch Air Force) pilots were training on a Longbow Apache Helicopter (AH-64) out of Fort Hood, Texas. Th...

About 84,000 pieces of shuttle debris fell to Earth, but investigators needed to locate the orbiter's flight-data recorder.

This video clip, from the BBC's documentary Last Flight of Columbia, includes pre-flight interviews with crew members who died sixteen minutes before ...

This video was the only video recovered after Columbia disintegrated during re-entry.

Following the loss of Columbia, NASA's investigation team recreates what must have happened.

To explain how continental drift occurs, scientists have developed the theory of plate tectonics (or, plate structure).

The Catholic Church bans Nicolaus Copernicus's book on the 5th of March, 1616 (decades after his death). Why ban a book which Catholic Universities ha...

This animation depicts the remnants of an exploded supernova, known as the Crab Nebula.

This video close-up, of the Crab Nebula, combines the images of three space telescopes: Hubble, Spitzer and Chandra.

What is the legend of the thirteen crystal skulls (featured in the fourth Indiana Jones film)?

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